- Paste Youtube Url
- Let it play, navigate with mouse, whatever
- Play/Pause with SPACE or k
- Navigate frame by frame with . (DOT) and , (COMMA)
- Navigate second by second with the Arrow Keys (Note: If the player is focused, it will skip by 5 or 10 seconds and won't catch Start/End key bindings)
- Set Start and End Time with s and e
- Jump to start with (capital) S
- Pressing the DOWNLOAD button will generate a yt-dlp command
- (It needs to be installed and added to PATH so it can be called anywhere from the command line) "What?"
- Copy it and execute it in on the command line, it will download the video/audio in the current folder by default
- If the time is displayed as 12:00 AM/PM, instead of 00:00, this is due to your locale settings, I can't change that with html/css. I find it very annoying.